Monday, December 20, 2004

Pop Culture Apocalypse: The Ipod Army

They're cute and they're everywhere, spreading like the fat-faced mid-80's Cabbage Patch Kid craze. They count a Vertigo-inducing, hip-swileving Bono among their denizens, a group whose size knows not the boudaries of race, age or class. I am talking, of course, about the getting-to-be iconic white ear buds of the Ipod; I am talking about the Ipod Army of the Ipod Nation. They are everywhere.

The flip side of this growing gang is two-fold:

1. The term "Ipod" is slowly branding itself to act interchangeably with "MP3 Player" a la "Band-Aid" for bandage or "Xerox copy" for photocopy. For an owner of Rio's 20Gb Karma, it affords me the twin frustrations of red anger and green jealousy (perfect for the holidays!)

2. The spirit of capitalism gloms onto the "new big thing" like muscle cream to professional athletes. An entire accessory-based industry has started and its life-support is the continued success of the Ipod; speakers, cases, little beds to rest your Ipod in at night.

Today's Pop Culture Armageddon takes you to the most ridiculous spawn of this new, a company that will take any of your photos and convert it into an Ipod-silhouette ad as easy as Uno! Dos! Tres! Catorce!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Professional mp3 converter to convert MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG and VOX files from one to another with a single right click! (PRWEB)
Link to this site: car mp3 player